Understanding Substance Use Disorders
Description: Provides a basic introduction of the concepts of the disease model of addiction and the role of the reward system. Using neuroscience concepts as a foundation, clinical manifestations of the disease of addiction are then discussed in the form of case-based presentations.
Overview of Substance Use Disorders
Description: Understanding addiction is essential to successfully addressing it. In this overview of substance use disorders we discuss the spectrum of use, neurobiological responses to substances, theories that explain the disorders, public health impact and epidemiology, comorbidity, and integrated care for this chronic condition.
Screening, Assessment and Treatment Initiation for Substance Use Disorders
Description: Problematic substance use often goes unrecognized in primary care settings, either due to insufficient screening or provider discomfort with how to manage a positive screening. There are a number of brief, simple, and validated screening tools that can provide sufficient information to indicate problematic or “risky” substance use, and this information can inform providers as to whether a simple brief intervention or a more formal referral to treatment is warranted. This module will introduce screening tools for drug and alcohol use, review more detailed substance use, medical, and psychiatric assessment considerations, demonstrate effective strategies for brief interventions, and discuss considerations for treatment referrals.